A Directory of Fundraising Ideas for Kiwi
  • Sports Teams
  • Charities
  • Culture Groups
  • Churches
  • Sports Clubs
  • Scout Groups
  • Schools
  • Individuals

Glitter Tattoo Kits by MOAS bring a whole new level of excitement to an event. A great fundraiser...
Educational games and quizzes, the perfect way to make your event night fun. Whether a large or s...
Scratch cards are a fun way to win money and other prizes. A game of chance played all over the w...
Easy Order Food 4 Fundraising ships products directly to your door freight-free across New Zealan...
Any school looking to raise funds should consider the age-old practice of school photos. Everyone...
Great tasting lollies without the added artificial colours or additives. Regina Lollies supply so...
The Adidas school fun run is an event you can hold at anytime of the year for your school or comm...
No school disco or night time event is truly complete unless it has glow sticks. Glowsticks Ltd p...
Naturally Pure provide quality bottled water for fundraising campaigns. Whether it’s a scho...
Showing 1 - 10 of 87 results

A to Z of Fundraising Ideas!

How to raise funds for your organisation

Unless you’re lucky enough to be involved in an organisation that gets sponsored, chances are you will be constantly worried about how you’re going to raise enough money to keep yourselves going. In the modern world, money isn’t easy to come by, and for this reason you need to make sure that you’re doing everything that you can to raise the funds that you need. The great news is that no matter who you are or what your talents are, you should be able to find a way to raise those much needed funds.

In this article, you will be able to read about some great ways to raise money, that are fun and effective all at the same time. The activities are grouped together by letters of the alphabet to make them easier to find, so browse below and see if there is anything that you think you would enjoy.

General Fundraising Advice

 The best advice to give when it comes to fundraising is that you always have to be as organised as possible. Nothing is worse than getting to the day of an event and then finding that there is far too much that still needs to be done before you can make a start. Ask for help from other people in the organisation, and ensure that you’re not trying to do too much on your own. By passing jobs to people who you know will do them well, you’re using everybody’s skills to the best advantage for the team.

In addition to this, you should never be scared to ask for help from local businesses. Most will be more than willing to help charities, as it is good for their reputation if they are seen to be supportive of worthy causes. You could ask them to help out with an event, make a cash donation, or even donate a prize that you could use in either a raffle or an auction. Either way, if you don’t ask you don’t get, and people are usually willing to be quite generous when it comes to charity events.


Advertising Space

Are you a group that has a lot to do with the local community? If so, then you might want to think about selling advertising space on your posters or website. If you know that you’re going to get a lot of traffic to your site, then this is likely to appeal to advertisers, as they will want their company name to be spread as far as possible. Not only this, but once you have made contact with these companies, you may find that they are willing to sponsor more of your events in the future, meaning that you’re making valuable contacts that will work well for you in the long term.


If you enjoy getting out and about in the great outdoors, then abseiling could be a great way to raise funds. This isn’t something that you could do on your own, though, as you would have to contact a local club for information about how and when your sponsored event would be possible. You could either have members of your organisation sponsored by friends and family for abseiling, or you could plan it as a fun event and sell tickets to those who want to join in. Either way, it is something that would be a little bit more exciting than the majority of fundraising ideas that people have. The weather is often lovely and sunny in New Zealand, and abseiling can be a great way to enjoy that weather and have lots of fun at the same time.


Auctions are always great events, and you should find that people become even more generous when the event is being held for a charity. You could either ask people to donate items to be auctioned, or you could auction “time” – people offering to give an hour to the winning bidder to help them with anything that needs to be done in their home. There are often some great prizes in charity auctions, and it can be a very profitable night as well as an incredibly entertaining one.

Art exhibition

Do you have any budding artists in your organisation or in the local community? By holding an art exhibition you can really showcase the talents that are amongst you, and it is a great way to get the rest of the community involved, too. By charging a small amount to enter a piece in the exhibition, and offering a number of prizes for winners in various categories, you will be sure to attract attention. If you decide to do this, make sure that you get in touch with local schools and colleges, as they will consider it great advertising for their art departments, so are sure to want to join in with the fun. You can sell refreshments while you’re there, and pass on information about your organisation, meaning that you can spread the word to people who you might not normally be able to come into contact with.

Aerobics marathon

Do you have a local leisure centre near you? If so, you could make the most of the facilities that they have on offer by running an aerobics marathon. This is something that people who regularly attend classes may be interested in, meaning that you get more people from outside of your organisation getting involved in your fundraising. If you don’t want to hold this event indoors, then you always have the option of holding the event on a beach. If you are doing aerobics in the sunshine, it will be a wonderful experience, and most people who attend will agree that it is one of the best fundraising ideas they’ve ever seen.

Alternative transport options

No matter where you live in the world, it is important that you try to take care of the environment, and for this reason you may want to consider opting for alternative transport options for a week and getting sponsored for doing so. Do you usually go to work, college or school in the car? How about you try walking instead, or even riding a bike or a skateboard? Whatever you choose to do, it is sure to raise funds for your organisation, and help you to get fit at the same time.


Bake sale 

Everybody loves cake, and to make the most of this fact you could organise a bake sale as one of your fundraising ideas. The idea is that everybody involved in the organisation bakes cakes to be sold, and then invites family and friends to come and enjoy an afternoon of chatting and eating cakes. There is also great scope to do other things here, such as sell other refreshments, run a raffle, sell merchandise if you have any from your organisation, and hand out information about any other events that might be happening in the future. If the weather is likely to be good, you could even hold the event outside, and make a few other stalls to encourage people to have fun and spend money.

Beard shave

If you’re lucky enough to be blessed with a great beard, then coming up with fundraising ideas is easy, because you can use your asset to your advantage. A sponsored beard shave is often a very popular event; particularly considering the fact that people are often known for what their facial hair looks like. This means that they raise money simply for doing what many do every day – shaving – and it can provide an awful lot of entertainment along the way. You can sell tickets to the event, and can even raffle the chance to have the first go at shaving, if this is something that you feel would be popular within the group of people your event is being held for.

Baby walk

We all think babies and young children are cute, so why not plan a sponsored baby walk to give you the chance to show off your children? If they are old enough to walk on their own they could do this, or you could push them if they can’t. You could go for a fancy dress theme, and get their faces painted, and really make a day of it. Not only will this get plenty of people involved, but you could also take collecting tins for when you’re on the walk itself – people are likely to donate if they see you walking by, as they will be entertained by the costumes that you have chosen to wear.


BBQ weather is in abundance in New Zealand, which is why it can be a great idea to make the most of it and hold a BBQ to remember. Invite family and friends, get everybody to bring some food, and have a great evening together. You can have games that people pay to enter, and sell raffle tickets or other merchandise, plus refreshments. The money will mount up quickly for sure, and it is an event that lots of people will really enjoy. If you wish, you can turn this into a sort of beach party that you can hold outdoors and include costumes for everybody. If you don’t live close enough to an actual beach to make this a possibility, you can always use somebody’s back yard and decorate it so that it looks like it could be a beautiful beach.

Blind auction

Auction nights are nothing new, so why not spice things up a little bit and hold a blind auction as a part of your fundraising efforts? This is where you allow your entrants to bid in secret, and simply state the maximum amount that they would be willing to pay for a certain item. You should insist that amounts should be random with regards to the exact money – i.e. no round numbers, as this gives you a much better chance of having a unique highest bidder. On the occasions where there are more than one bids the same, you could hold a face-to-face auction, to see who is willing to pay a little more for the item. Ask your supporters to donate prizes, and also try to get the small businesses in your local area involved. You should find that they are more than willing to do this, as it is exposure for their own company name and positive reputation.

Bingo evening

Put the fun in fundraising by having a bingo evening for your members and supporters. This is often an event that can be incredibly popular, thanks to the fact that bingo is a game that most people know how to play, and holding an evening means that they have the chance to win lots of prizes. It’s up to you what you do for prizes – some people like to use money, and others have specific things to win. You might find that local businesses are willing to donate prizes for bingo if you approach them, and by doing so you will be able to maximise the amount that you can take home for your organisation from the event, as you won’t have to use any of the income for the prize money at the end of the evening.

Bike ride

The skies are blue and the roads are stunning here in New Zealand, so why not make the most of them by holding a sponsored bike ride? There’s nothing like feeling the air on your face as you ride along the open road, and this idea gives you the chance to get paid for doing exactly that. Make sure you let everybody know the route that you’re going to be taking, as this means that they can cheer you on along the way. Ask for people to sponsor you well in advance, as it should give you plenty of motivation when you see the sponsor money quickly building up before your eyes.


If you would like an excuse to get dressed up and enjoy a wonderful evening that is full of class, then organising a ball may be something that you are interested in. This might not be the easiest thing to organise, however there is a chance that you could raise a lot of money from it – as you can sell tickets for the event plus raffle tickets on the night. These events often attract people with money, who are more likely to make a donation to your organisation on the night. Make sure you have food and refreshments planned, plus a few smaller activities to raise money during the evening, and you will come away from it with plenty of funds in your pocket.

Book fair

Reading is one of the best things that a child can learn to do at an early age, and for this reason it can be a great idea to hold a book fair to try and encourage them to do this. Often, book companies like coming into schools and organisations to sell their products, and they would be willing to make a donation to your charity if you gave them somewhere to go to sell their books. On the other hand, you could ask everybody to bring second hand books that they had finished with, and display them so that people could buy them. They would be willing to pay a small amount, and you wouldn’t have had to pay anything upfront for the item at all, as they are just things that people already had in their homes that they wanted to get rid of.

Bean bath

Some of the best sponsored events are a little bit weird, and a bean bath is definitely up there with the weirdest. This is an event that has been around for a long time, and many charities have made the most of this in order to raise funds. Simply fill up a bath with beans (a supermarket should be willing to donate these for you; don’t try to buy them yourself, as you will need an awful lot) and state that participants must spend a set amount of time in the beans in order to qualify for sponsorship. Friends and family often get involved and come to watch, meaning that you can make extra money on the day by serving refreshments.

Badge making

Lots of people like to attend craft events where they can make something to take home, and nothing is better for this than holding a badge making afternoon. This always goes down very well with children, who are likely to enjoy the event and will want to make badges not only for themselves but also for their family and friends, too. You could buy all of the materials and then charge a certain amount for each badge to be made. You could, of course, sell refreshments too, which would boost your income a little bit. If it is a special time of year, for example Christmas or Easter, you could make it a themed event, which would add even more excitement to it for the children.

Balloon race

Everybody likes to win, and a balloon race can be great fun, because you don’t find out who’s won until much later. Everybody buys a balloon and attaches a label to it, fills it with helium and then lets go. You write a request on the label to ask whoever finds it to return it and state where it was found, and then after a certain amount of time, the person who’s balloon went the furthest wins a prize. Children love to do this, as it can be exciting to wait for their label to be returned. This is a good thing to do as part of a bigger event, as everybody will be able to enjoy the day and then stand and watch the release of the balloons at the end of the afternoon.

Bonfire night

There are things that you can do to raise money in any season, and bonfire night is a great chance to hold an event to remember. You could charge an entry fee for a bonfire and fireworks display (make sure you’re careful, and that you’re trained for the fireworks that you use) and then have some other things for entertainment, such as stalls, refreshments, and little fairground rides for the children. With everything added up together, you should find that you raise a fair amount of money.

Beat the goalie

Beat the goalie is a small event that would work well as a part of a bigger event. The idea is that somebody stands “in goal” and the rest of the guests are able to take shots for a small fee. A prize is given if they manage to get a goal past them, and it is a great way to encourage people to give it a go, as you will find that they go for multiple shots just to make sure that they get one in. It is important that you get a good goalie, though, as you don’t want them to be letting in every single goal – as this would mean that your prizes would run out far too early on in the day.

Bring and buy sale

Nothing is better than being able to make money from things that you don’t need anymore, and a bring and buy sale is one of the best fundraising ideas in this respect. You simply ask everybody to bring items that they no longer need in their home, set them up on tables, and sell them for small amounts. You know what they say – one man’s trash is another man’s treasure – and this is true, and means that people would be able to find lots of things that they would like to buy. You should also make sure that you advertise your event outside of your organisation, too, as many people enjoy going to these types of sales as a hobby.



When you’re trying to think fundraising ideas, it is important that you think of something that would appeal to the most people, and nothing is better for this than a calendar, because almost everybody has one! You can either make one with photos of your organisation during the course of the year, or use photos of the landscape in your local area – and in New Zealand, there are many sights that you could use for this. Make sure that you plan this well in advance, as they are perfect for Christmas presents, and can be sold at any events that you might be holding in the run-up to the festive period.

Candle making

Lots of people enjoy making things themselves, which is why candle making can be such a fun way to spend an evening. You can charge for entry to the event, and provide each person with one candle and the materials to decorate it with. If they wish to make more candles, they will be able to buy these from you at an additional cost. This is something that will go down particularly well at the festive period, as the candles can be used as gifts, so try and plan it well so that it is at a time when the most people would be interested in what you have to offer.

Chocoholic challenge

Do you eat too much chocolate? If so, then you may want to take part in a chocoholic challenge, where you are sponsored to give it up for a certain period of time. It’s surprising just how much chocolate there is around – not just chocolate bars, but chocolate drinks and even small amounts sprinkled on ice cream, so it is definitely a challenge worth trying. And that first taste of chocolate when you’re done will never have tasted so good!

Car wash

Everybody needs to visit the car wash from time to time, so why not build this into your fundraising ideas and do it for them? All you need is some water and sponges, a space to set up, and a banner advertising what you’re doing, and you should find that there are many cars who would be willing to let you wash them. You could charge a small amount for each one, and you will usually find that people will pay a little bit extra because of the fact that you’re a charity. This means that the money will soon be rolling in, leaving you with the funds that your organisation needs so much.

Charity dinner

We all like the chance to dress up and have an evening of fun, and a charity dinner gives us the chance to do exactly this. You can sell tickets to the event, and try to find somebody who would be willing to entertain diners for the evening. This could be a local celebrity, or even a singer or comedian. You should find that somebody will be willing to donate their time for free, particularly if they’re trying to boost their own career and take their first tentative steps into the industry. This is the perfect event to hold a raffle at, too, as the people who attend are likely to be willing to spend plenty of money to support the charity.

Carol singing

Most people in New Zealand enjoy Christmas, so why not make the most of this goodwill and go carol singing? You can either go around housing estates or into businesses with your collection bucket, and sing carols in return for a small donation. This is a great idea, as it means that not only are you raising money, but you are also helping to spread festive joy, which is incredibly important for all.

Coin collection

When you’re fundraising, it is important that you understand that every little helps, and for this reason a great fundraising idea can be a coin collection. Whether you choose to have a huge change jar at your HQ, or if you ask people to collect a certain type of coin, it is sure to add up to a large amount when you take it to the bank. You could even aim to write your organisation’s name in coins at a specific event that you hold – and then keep the coins that were used – or try to make a mile of pennies laid side to side. Whichever you choose, you are certain to get enough donations to boost your bank balance.

Coffee morning

Everybody likes socialising and having a chat, and for this, a coffee morning is a great idea. You can invite friends, family and the local community, and serve refreshments for a small fee. You could also sell merchandise if you have anything, and have stalls for example a raffle, craft stalls, books stalls, or anything you like. You only need a few volunteers, and you will have plenty of money rolling in to add to your collection.

Car boot sale

If you’re fed up of all of the clutter that is building up in your home, then you might like to try running a car boot sale for your organisation. Set a date that you would like to do it, get a few volunteers, and ask people to bring donations for things that you could sell. You could either run a stall at a local car boot sale, or if you have enough interest you could hold your own and charge a small amount of money for a pitch. No matter which option you choose, you will certainly be able to raise plenty of money and awareness for the organisation that you represent. The best part is that you’re sure to get lots of donations for things to sell, as people will most likely be happy to have the excuse to clean out their houses.


Most organisations have some musically talented members, and if this is the case for you, then why not put on a concert? You could see who is able to play an instrument, and ask whether they would be happy to play a solo for the audience. You could even have a few duets or larger groups if you have the time to arrange the music, and this is sure to bring a great evening of entertainment. You can also sell refreshments and raffle tickets, plus give the audience information about what is happening in the near future with your organisation.

Craft fair

It’s a well known fact that taking parts in arts and crafts is good for the soul, so why not show off what you’ve made and organise a craft fair? This gives you the chance to not only get your creative hat on, but also to sell stalls to local businesses who might make things like cards and gifts. They would be willing to pay a small amount towards your organisation to be able to take a table at the event, and this would be beneficial both to them and to you.

Collecting tin

Lots of people are willing to give to charities, but many don’t know how they’re able to do it. By having a collecting tin by the cash register of a shop, you can be sure that people will add a little spare change to it, particularly if they have just been handed some by the shopkeeper. It may only be small amounts, but you will find that it all adds up, and if you collect the tins every couple of months, there should be a reasonable amount in there. Many people don’t even check which charity they’re giving to, but they will still put their change in the tin regardless.

View our full fundraising ideas directory.



It is important to keep active, and there’s no better way to do this than to hold a danceathon. At this event, a group of people will aim to dance for a certain amount of time, or to a certain number of songs, in return for sponsorship. You could ask for people to sponsor you, and also charge entry for the event itself – plus selling refreshments to those who are watching. All in all, it can be one of the most profitable fundraising ideas because it definitely has the fun factor.

Dog walking

If there’s one chore that many people hate more than anything else, it’s dog walking, but this gives you the chance to charge for a service that you could provide. New Zealand is a beautiful country, so you might as well make the most of the scenery and walk dogs that have busy owners. Many people would gladly pay you for this, and you could walk a couple of dogs at the same time, meaning that your hourly rate would increase nicely. You have to make sure that you know how to look after dogs, and that you’re responsible when you’re in charge of them, but overall this should be a nice little earner.


We all love a good party, and there’s nothing like holding a disco to help raise those much-needed funds for your organisation. If you can’t afford a DJ, you can easily play your own songs, and then charge a small amount for a ticket, plus refreshments while they’re there. If you advertise this event well, you should be able to attract a lot of guests, who will all have a great time as well as spending plenty of money while they’re there. Don’t forget to research the latest songs as well as including all of the disco classics, as you need to make sure that there is something for everybody.

Doggy party

Have you ever wished that you could hold an event that meant your dogs could socialise with others? Well, how about planning a doggy party to do exactly this? It’s easy – you find a nice, big open space, get in contact with lots of people with dogs, and get them all together for an afternoon. It can often be great to find other people who have dogs, as you’ll have lots in common with them before you even start talking, and you can make yummy treats for both the animals and for their owners, too. Selling tickets is a sure way to boost your funds, as this is an event that is quirky yet perfectly plausible, meaning that many people would be interested in it.


Easter egg hunt

Easter is a season that many children enjoy, so why not plan an Easter egg hunt as part of a brilliant family day out to raise money for your organisation? You could do this indoors or outdoors, and allow the children to keep the “treasure” that they find, with other smaller prizes for completing tasks – for example finding one egg of each colour, or finding eggs in a particular place. This is sure to be one of those fundraising ideas that brings with it a lot of fun.


Face painting

Either as part of a bigger event or standing alone, face painting is always popular, and is a great thing to do if you have somebody who is able to provide the service. If there is nobody in your organisation who can paint faces, then you could ask for a professional to donate a few hours of their time – as many people are willing to do this for charity. Make sure that you’re up to date with the latest films and cartoons, as you’re certain to get requests for things to be painted, and you don’t want anybody to be disappointed!

Film night

Nothing is better than being able to relax at the end of a long day, so why not incorporate this into your fundraising ideas and organise a film night? You could invite guests and advertise the film that you’re seeing, and even plan a fancy dress theme in relation to the film. You could ask for a donation as the entry fee, and then sell refreshments, which means that you should be able to have a great night indeed.

Football match

One of the most popular sports in the world is football, so if you’re trying to raise funds, why not run a charity football match? You could either make up teams from your organisation itself, or invite the local community to represent certain teams. If you have any local celebrities, you could always ask them whether they would like to be involved too. Ask at your nearest sports centre whether you can use their field for a day, and sell tickets to the event. If the weather is good, you are sure to get a great crowd watching you.


Testing your staying power is something that a lot of people are willing to sponsor others for, and there is no better way to do this than with a fast. You can arrange for either one person or a group of people to try and fast for an entire day, or longer if you think you can manage it, and write about how they feel during the day. At the end of the day, people can sponsor them if they have hit their target. You should be careful that you don’t push people too far, though, and obviously people with certain health conditions would be excluded.


Guessing games

Everybody likes to take a punt, which is why guessing games can be so popular. Best placed on a stall at a summer fair, games such as guess the name of the teddy or guess the weight of the cake are always popular, with the thing that you’re guessing the name/weight of being the prize in the end. This is always a popular one, particularly with children, and you should usually find that there are companies who are willing to donate the prizes that would be suitable for this type of event, too.

Gift sale

Arts and crafts are great for young children, so if your organisation is made up of youngsters then you might want to organise a gift sale. The children could spend a few weeks making the gifts to sell, and you can then set up tables on the day. If the children have made the gifts, you often find that parents are willing to spend a fair amount of money on them, which means that you will definitely raise more for your organisation. If you don’t fancy making the gifts yourself, then you could rent tables at your sale to local small businesses who make gifts, and they should be happy to display their work for sale at your event.

Games night

Games take us right back to being children, so why not organise a games night to allow everyone to let their hair down and have a great time? You could do lots of things, from physical games such as hopscotch, to board games, to party games – no matter who is attending, you’re sure to be able to find something that would suit them down to the ground. You could have lots of prizes, and tournaments. Not only will you raise lots of money, but your guests will also have the chance to meet people who they have never seen before, meaning that they could make new friends, too!

Game shows

There are lots of popular game shows on television at the moment, and this gives you an excellent opportunity to recreate one of these as a fundraising idea in order to get some much-needed cash for your organisation. You will need a great host, as that can make the night go with a bang, and some good prizes – plus of course contestants and an audience. All in all, this is a great way to have a lot of fun and raise plenty of money, and everybody is sure to have a night to remember for a long time to come.


It’s great when you can add a little excitement to your fundraising, and with go-karting you are sure to do this. There are many tracks for you to choose from, and most allow you to book them out for a group of people whenever you wish. You could either all go as individuals or form teams, and this means that you could also give small prizes for the winners. Most people get a little bit of an adrenaline rush from getting behind the wheel of a fast car, so you should find that they all enjoy this event. It’s a good event to hold if you’re not too sure of the weather, too, as it doesn’t matter whether it’s dry or not.

Garden party

When the weather is nice, everybody wants to be outside in the sunshine, and a garden party is the perfect way to give people the chance to do this. You could serve refreshments, have some little stalls for entertainment, and even hire somebody to entertain the crowd if you have the budget for it (or if you are able to persuade them to do it for free – which many entertainers will consider if you state that you’re a charity). This type of event is great for raising the profile of your organisation, as you’re able to chat to people and find out whether there are any ways in which they could help you with fundraising in the future.

Gumboot throwing

Variety is the spice of life, and sometimes the events that seem the most random can add the most excitement to the day. Gumboot throwing is an event that has been around for a long time, but yet it never seems to get any less fun. You should find that you can get the gumboots donated by charity shops or other companies (as they are often things that are left over that nobody wants to buy) and then all you need to do is set a date for the event. The person who manages to throw the furthest gets a prize!



If you want to be sponsored for something, you’ll always raise more if you do something daring, so why not go for a sponsored haircut? If you have long hair, you could cut it short or shave it off, or even just go for a completely different style to what you’re used to. You could take some great photos of this event to be used as publicity, giving you the chance to get the local media involved, which is certain to drum up more support for your organisation.

Horse racing night

Everybody likes the chance to win a little bit of money whilst having fun at the same time, and a horse racing night is perfect for this. You can buy specialist DVDs that have races on them, and then those who attend can buy tickets based on which horse they think is going to win. All that you need is somebody to work the DVD player and someone to sell tickets – plus refreshment sellers if you want to make the most of the chance to make some money. This is great for all ages, so there’s no need for anybody to miss out.


There are many events during the year that are the perfect excuse for a party, and Halloween is one of these. By encouraging people to come in fancy dress and bring themed snacks, you’re on your way to an amazing evening. You can charge an entry fee plus a small amount for refreshments during the course of the evening, too. Give a prize for the best fancy dress to encourage people to make an effort, and you can be sure that everybody will have a great time.



If you’re a music group, or have a few musicians in your number, then it is great to make use of your instruments by planning a sponsored play. You could arrange to set yourselves up somewhere for a whole day (or even a few hours) and play plenty of songs for as long as you possibly can. People can sponsor you to do this, and can come along and enjoy the entertainment at the same time. You can sell refreshments, raffle tickets and many other things, meaning that everybody is sure to be in for a great day.


Jumble sale

If you like the idea of a car boot sale, but don’t want to hold an event outdoors, then a jumble sale could be a better option for you. If you don’t have your own premises then you could hire a hall (or ask whether the use of the hall could be donated to you) and invite people to pay a small amount of money for a table. Many people attend jumble sales as it can be entertaining to have a good walk round, and it is also a great way to be able to get rid of the clutter that you have in your home.


A jailbreak is always a fun event, and it basically involves putting people down in the middle of nowhere, with no money, and challenging them to get either back to base, or starting at base and getting as far away as they possibly can. The idea is that they blag their way onto public transport, or ask people for money to pay for tickets, and the team that does the best wins a prize. It is great fun, and it is popular with many groups of people, particularly students, so if you’re looking for a way to get some outside interest, this is definitely a great thing to do.


Karaoke night 

If you’ve always fancied yourself as the next big thing in the music business, then a karaoke night could be right up your street. This is an event that is always popular, and people are likely to come in groups of friends, which means that you will raise even more money. You will need to find somewhere to hold the event, preferably somewhere where you can serve refreshments, and spread the word so that people will sign up to sing. Other than that, that’s all you need for a great evening!


If you know anybody who is good at knitting you could make the most of this and sell items to raise funds for your organisation. There are many things that you are able to make, and with most items it gives you the chance to personalise them, meaning that people could buy items from you to use as gifts for their family and friends. Many people who knit do so as a hobby, so you should find that as long as you’re able to provide them with the wool that they need, they will donate their services to you for free.


Limbo dancing

If you’re trying to find a way to entertain your guests at an event whilst also being able to raise a little more money, then limbo dancing can be a great thing to put on the programme. Simply, your guests have to bend over backwards to get underneath a bar without touching it. They take it in turns, and the bar is lowered a little bit each time, until eventually only one person manages to do it without touching the pole. You could charge a small amount for entry and give a little prize at the end. This is a great way to make money, as lots of people will be willing to enter due to the fact that it is very entertaining to do and also to watch.


Market stall

If you have a market in your local area, then this gives you a great chance to rent a market stall to try and spread the word about your charity. Doing this gives you the opportunity to give out leaflets and information about upcoming fundraising events, as well as allowing you to sell merchandise, so it really can be a great thing to do. If you have anybody who is good at making things, a market stall is a great place to sell the goods, and you should find that you can get quite a lot of sales just from a couple of hours, as people attend markets with the specific aim of buying things.


The bigger the fundraising event, the more money you’re likely to raise, so why not sign up to run a marathon? You don’t have to do it on your own; you could get a number of people from your organisation to sign up with you, and this means that you would raise even more money. Because a marathon is such a huge thing to do, you’re certain to raise plenty of money in sponsorship, and if you advertise the fact that you’re doing it, you might even get people willing to sponsor you who don’t know you, meaning that you will get even more funds for the pot.



Every organisation has hidden talent, and there is no better way to let it shine than with a pantomime. There are many different pantomimes that you can perform, meaning that no matter how many people you have to work with, you will be able to find something that fits. It will take a little work to get right, and you will have to hire a venue if your organisation doesn’t already own somewhere that is suitable, however you should be able to sell tickets for a decent price, meaning that you can raise a lot of money for your funds. Friends and family will be thrilled to come and see the performance, so you can look forward to a packed audience.

Parachute jump

If you enjoy getting a rush of endorphins, and would like to raise a lot of money for your organisation, then you could book yourself onto a parachute jump. This is the type of event that many people would like to sponsor you for, and you may even find that small businesses in the local area would sponsor you, too. If you do an event that is perhaps a little scary, you’re certain to raise a lot, so if there are one or more people in your organisation who would be willing to try this it is certainly worth a go.

Plastic duck race

Entertaining the children during any event that you’re running is important, and a plastic duck race is a great way to be able to do this. Everybody buys a duck with a number written on the bottom of it (in pen that won’t wash off) and then they are raced down a river. The owner of the winning duck gets a prize, and you can be certain that everybody will enjoy cheering their ducks to the finish line. Make sure that you start selling your ducks well in advance, and provide refreshments for those who come to watch on the day in order to maximise profits. If you have a smaller number of people, or aren’t able to purchase the right amount of ducks, you could arrange a game of pooh sticks instead – racing two sticks against each other in rounds with the winner progressing to the next stage until there are only two people remaining. It can be exciting and fun, and can certainly raise a lot of money!

Plant sale

Particularly in the summer months, it is important that we are able to have our gardens looking colourful and pretty, and to help with this, you could organise a plant sale at your organisation. If you have anybody who is good at growing plants then this is an option, but if you don’t then you could buy them (or ask them to be donated) from a garden centre in bulk and then sell them at a slight profit. Either way, it is sure to be popular, as almost everybody will need to buy plants for their garden.

Pick a straw

Planning ways to entertain everybody during an event can be stressful, but by adding small stalls such as pick a straw you can ensure that there is always something for your guests to do during your event. Colour the bottom of some plain white straws and bury them in sand with some that haven’t been coloured, and charge a small fee for your guests to pick a straw. If they pick one that has been coloured, they win a prize – it’s up to you how big or small that prize is – and if they pick a white one then they don’t win this time. You often find that people will buy multiple straws in an attempt to win, so this is a stall that is well worth having at your event.

Portrait party

Art can be fun, messy and entertaining all at the same time, and a portrait party can be an excellent way to raise funds. Simply invite a group of people to your event – the more the merrier – and put them in pairs and ask them to paint each other’s portraits. You will get better artists than others, but that’s all a part of the fun, and nobody will mind. At the end of the event, everybody buys their portrait to take home. Refreshments should be served, and you could take small breaks to play some little games to keep minds fresh. Portrait painting can be great fun, even if you don’t really know anything about art at all.


Quiz nights

Quiz nights are always popular, and they can be a great way to socialise and to raise money for your organisation at the same time. You can either make up some questions yourself, or you can download a quiz from the internet, but either way it will be a great night. Charge either per person or per team, and the team with the highest score wins a prize (usually money). You could also have some smaller prizes such as the team with the best name, and this can often add a little bit of entertainment into the evening.



One of the most popular fundraising ideas is to run a raffle and it’s popular for a reason. Many people are willing to donate prizes, and people are happy to buy a few tickets because they don’t cost very much. For this reason, lots of money is taken at a raffle. You can either do a raffle in its own right, or you can add a smaller one to an event that you’re running. If you ask businesses to donate prizes to your cause, you could even hold separate raffles if some of the prizes are particularly generous, as people might be willing to buy tickets for one prize on its own.


Are you fed up with the amount of rubbish that is lying around your home? Well, perhaps you could make the most of the recycling schemes that are available in your local area, and donate profits to your organisation. There are a great number of things that can be recycled, including plastics, glass bottles, cans, clothes, shoes and newspapers – so it’s almost certain that you will have something around your home that you could use. If everybody involved in your organisation brought items, you would be sure to raise plenty of money – and everybody would have been able to have a clear out at the same time!

Rounders match

If your organisation is a sports club, you might want to organise a charity rounders match as a way to raise the funds that you need. This can be great fun, as you can organise the teams in a number of ways, and then ask for sponsorship depending on how many “rounders” each of you score. This is an event that people would more than likely be willing to come and watch, so you would raise plenty of money. Plus, it’s always good to keep fit, and this is definitely a great way to do that.


Scratchy Booklets

These nifty little booklets have your organisations image/logo on the front cover and then 40 scratch of circles on the inside. Your fundraisers take them around and ask people to scratch off a few dots and donate the amount revealed underneath. What could be easier than that! We’ve heard really good things about this product and they suit groups of all sizes – which is good news for groups such as sports teams, culture groups, churches etc. If you are keen on trying new fundraising ideas then visit the Fast Fundraising website.

Sports day

We all loved sports day at school, and why should the fun end just because we’re grown up? Recreating a school sports day is a great way to raise funds, and you can be sure that people will have plenty of fun on the day. You can have running races, obstacle courses, egg and spoon races, skipping races and much more, as well as offering refreshments and other pieces of entertainment (for example a bouncy castle for the children) in order to raise even more money.

Sponsored silence

No matter who you are, you probably wish you had a little more peace and quiet in your life. If this is the case, then a sponsored silence could be a great way to raise money for your organisation. Children find this particularly fun, and enjoy being able to write messages on pieces of paper or whiteboards while they’re not able to talk. Get sponsored per hour or per day, depending on how long you think you can manage it for, and just sit back and watch the money come rolling it. It might be a challenge, but you will feel a great sense of achievement at the end of it.

Swear jar

Every organisation has somebody who struggles to control their language – and a swear jar could work in two ways. It could help to raise funds for your organisation, and it could also encourage people to stop swearing at the same time. This might not raise an awful lot of money, but by keeping it at your HQ you can slowly add funds over time, and then empty it every few months.


Watching our weight is never fun, but you could make it a bit more worthwhile with a slimathon. By asking people to sponsor you for the weight that you lose, particularly with the funds all going towards to your organisation, you should find that you have more motivation that you have ever had before. This means that you can lose weight and raise money at the same time, so you’re achieve two things at once. You could also use social media to keep your friends and family updated, particularly if you’re taking up a new sport or exercise to help you shift the weight – photos after you have finished your first race are often the most popular! Just keep in mind the social implications of focusing on body image, particularly for adolescence.

Sponsored sleepout

If you’re an organised group such as Scouts, you might be interested in doing a sponsored sleepout. This can be very exiting, as many children won’t have stayed out in tents before. If the children in your organisation are quite young, you may want to invite parents to come, too. You should make sure that you have permission to camp wherever you decide to stay, and ensure that you plan enough games to keep the children occupied for however long you choose to stay out for. If there isn’t anywhere suitable in your local area for you to camp, somebody’s back yard is just as good.

Sponsored events

No matter what you’re good at, you should find that you’re able to make money from it. Sponsored events are great for fundraising, as it means that everybody in the organisation is able to take part, and ask their friends and family for donations by way of sponsor money. They are lots of things that you can do; sports, walks, personal challenges, games – to name but a few. The more imagination you use with this the better, and people are more likely to sponsor you for doing quirky things.


Tug of war

If you want a way to show off your strength and raise money at the same time, then a tug of war is definitely the best thing to do. You can either have teams or individuals, and see who is the strongest. You can arrange the teams however you like, and you could have a lot of fun with deciding who works with who. One good idea is to have people put bets on which team will win, with a small amount of money going to the people who guess correctly. This is good either as an event on its own, or as a part of something like a fun day or fair.

Treasure hunt

If you have the time for a bit of organising, then a treasure hunt can be very fun to do. You can do versions for adults and children, with them having to find clues to lead them to the treasure at the end of the journey. You could have it somewhere simple like a school, or wider afield in the countryside, and the team who gets to the end first are the winners. Not only is this one of the best fundraising ideas, but it is also good for team building, which means that your organisation will get stronger through the event. Beforehand, you could even run a little competition for who can come up with the best clues – which can add even more excitement to the event.

Talent show

Almost everybody has something that they’re good at, and for this reason a talent show really could go down a storm. No matter whether you enjoy singing, dancing, juggling or rapping, you’re sure to have something that you can add to an evening like this. Make sure that you advertise this event well, as you will get plenty of outside entries. The more people you get entering from outside of your organisation, the more money you’re likely to raise, as they are sure to bring friends and family along to watch for support. Not only is this sure to raise a lot of money, but you will also have a great time, and people may wish to be involved in more that your organisation does in the future.

Three-legged race

Entertainment is one of the most important things at any fundraising event, and a three-legged race is certain to provide you with this. By tying two legs of people standing next to each other together, it is as though they have three between them, and they then have to work together to get to the finishing line. Although it is easier for them if they are of a similar height, it can be even funnier if they’re not, so this is something that you could try. Great at any fun day, this is sure to be an event that can put a smile on people’s faces.


Fashion sells, so why not make the most of this and have some t-shirts made for your organisation? You will be able to sell these to your members and supporters, and can then take them along to any other events that you hold. Once you’ve paid for the initial lot of t-shirts to be made, you will soon make your money back from them and will then be able to enjoy the profits. Make sure you ask to see a sample of the t-shirts before you order in bulk, as you need to ensure that you’re happy with the result before you choose to invest heavily.

Tuck shop

Everybody likes a sweet treat every now and again, and a tuck shop can give you the chance to make money from this theory. Buy things like chocolates, crisps and drinks in bulk – or anything that you think people might like to eat – and sell them each week when your organisation meets. You could also sell this type of thing at pretty much any event that you’re planning with regards to your fundraising, and you should find that it can increase your profits steadily over time. The only thing that you need is somebody to agree to buy the stock and man the stall, and then the money will come rolling in.



Everybody likes a good day out, but not many people are organised enough to be able to plan the days out that they really want to go on. For this reason, you should organise visits to great places in the local area. Hire a coach, sell the seats including entry fee where needed for your destination, and make sure that you set the price to ensure that you make a profit from the event. You could make even more money by putting together refreshment boxes that people can buy once they’re on the coach, and these are sure to be popular, particularly if the trip you’re going on is quite long.


Wine and cheese

We all need a bit of class from time to time, and if this is something that you’re interested in, then you may find that it is a good idea to plan a wine and cheese evening. You can couple this with some hired entertainment, and enjoy the atmosphere whilst selling merchandise, refreshments and raffle tickets. You should charge for entry, and this should include the cheese, biscuits and a glass of wine. Whether the people who come are involved in your organisation or not, you should find that it is something that they would like to attend, as it is a great excuse to socialise.


Walking is not only great fun, but also great exercise, so why not get sponsored for it to raise funds for your charity? Sponsored walks are incredibly popular, and they’re easy to sponsor thanks to the fact that you can simply be sponsored per mile, and it is very easy to work out how much people need to pay based on this basis. There are some beautiful places to walk in New Zealand – you’re spoilt for choice – so if you’re looking for a way that you can raise money whilst in stunning surroundings, then this is definitely a great idea for you.

Waxing event

You’re always going to raise more money if the event you’re holding is a little bit scary – so why not hold a waxing event? This is usually better if it is men who are being waxed, as it can be very entertaining to see a hairy chest go through the torture of having wax strips applied and then ripped off again. Okay, so this might not make it sound all that great, but if you can find people brave enough to lie down and take the pain, it’s sure to bring in the money. Not only can you sell tickets, but you can also sell the wax strips for people to join in themselves, and this is certain to add a lot of extra income to proceedings.


Zodiac night

If you’re looking for an event that would add a lot of interest thanks to its quirkiness, then there is no doubt that a zodiac night would be the perfect thing for you. Astrologers are growing in popularity, so invite one along to give a talk and entertain your crowd for the evening. You could sell food and drinks, and hold a raffle or other small games, meaning that plenty of money would be raised for the cause. It might not be to everybody’s tastes, but you should find that there are enough people who are interested to make it work.